walker / route verifier and generator:

remove and/or generate routes   |   Fahrstraßen löschen und/oder neu generieren
generate routes with via blocks   |   Fahrstraßen mit kreuzenden Blöcken generieren
verify/repair routes and update ids   |   Fahrstraßen überprüfen/reparieren und Kennungen ergänzen
update block ids   |   Blockkennungen ergänzen

! do not forget to create a backup copy of your plan file !    /    ! zuvor eine Sicherungskopie der Plandatei erstellen !

plan file (mandatory)

⟹       ⟸
 dry-run = test only, show walker output ⇒ no download
 unselect ⇒ get changed file for download
 dry-run = Probelauf/Test, nur Ausgabe ⇒ kein Herunterladen
 Auswahl entfernen ⇒ bearbeitete Datei zum Herunterladen




  ( /   (NEW)




  /   (NEU)

sensor assignments in blocks...

 (generic routes are "all enter +" and "all enter -")
Rückmelderzuordnung in Blöcken...

 (generischen Fahrstraßen sind "all enter +" and "all enter -")
block/generic routes/sensor/event/actions...

Block/generische Fahrstraßen/Rückmelder/Ereignis/Aktionen ...

block signals...


 requirements to verify/add/update route ids:

track elements have to be correctly arranged
switch commands have to be configured correctly
(see below for more details)

 Voraussetzung zur Ergänzung von Fahrstraßenkennungen:

Elemente sollten korrekt platziert sein
Weichenkommandos müssenen korrekt eingetragen sein

⟹       ⟸

Global Options :

verbose level


       Walker includes support for...
       - "generate/router mode" support virtual block dependency as start ("virtual" destination not supprted)
       - "verify/update mode" routes with via blocks and virtual blocks (start, via and/or destination)
       - tunnel in/out track (tracknr 2) with max distance of 10
       - tunnelled track (tracknr 3)
       - dcurve (curvenr 11)
       - text elements between tracks
       - complete raster elements with additional tracks (curvenr 19,20,21,22,23,24 ; sw accessory 19) by LDG
       - several custom tracks (straight/curve/connectors, diagonal) by LDG
       - ! NEW ! "generate mode" autodetect scissor crossing situations for raster switches (will automatically add hidden ccrossing to routes); also for additional raster track elements
       - ! NEW ! "generate mode" leaves already existing generated routes unchanged. "remove generated routes" is no more a mandatory requirement.

         Link to additional track elements (SVGs) mentioned above

       without any guarantee

route generate strategy in short:
 * take each block
 * start at "from block" [1] from "each side"
 * walk along the tracks
 * when reaching a switch in trailing direction => add missing command
 * when reaching a switch in heading direction => branch in all allowed directions
 * until we reach a destination ("to block") or max number of elements is reached
 * if there was no existing route from "from block" "from block start side" to "to block" "to block reached side"
    * then create and add this route
 * verify route id in all passed track elements and if it was missing add it

[1] if start "block" is a virtual block or a slave block then parent and slave blocks are treated "as logical equal start blocks"

via route generate strategy in short:
 * take each route (routeA)
 * if destination block contains "viabk" in its description
    * take each other route (routeB) that has a start block equal to the destination block of routeA
    * merge routeA with routeB and add joint block to the via block list

route verify strategy in short:
 * take each route [2]
 * start at "from block" [3] [4]
 * walk along the tracks (according to switch commands)
 * crossing/via blocks are passed
 * until we reach the destination ("to block")
 * verify route id in all passed track elements and if it was missing add it

[2] if description of route contains "skip_verify" then skip verify of this route

[3] if description of any "from/via/to block" of a route contains "skip_verify" then skip verify of this route

[4] if "from/via/to block" is a virtual block or a slave block then parent and slave blocks are treated "as logical equal from/via/to blocks"

Note: tool state is β , documentation is α (unavailable 😇 )

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