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# RRturn90.php [v0.13 WIP] RRphpFramework.php [v0.259 WIP] (verbose[0])
##### RRturn90.php [v0.13 WIP] : #####
turn plan (or list of levels) 90° clockwise
20241110 v0.13
more verbose showMaxXY()
20240914 v0.12
fix for seltab with more than 32 tracks
20240815 v0.11
move openPlanfile() to framework
improve handling file open and add optional content type checking
20240210 v0.10
repair duplicate function definitions
add support for CTC modules
20231011 v0.09
special handling for auto generated hidden ccrossing
20230620 v0.08
use some common functions from framework
replace echo by Vout0
20230429 v0.07
moved WEB constants to framework
20230320 v0.06
module mode : rename "point-"-routes
20230312 v0.05
check content of --LEVELS
support verbose levels 0,1,2
support for web
20230225 v0.04
implemeted special handling for traverser
20230221 v0.03
support --LEVELS
support --planout
20230220 v0,02
cleanup code
20230219 v0.01
initial release
## End of release notes. ##
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