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list of deprecated symbols:
(some symbols still available but router support was removed)

Picture Type / Number Description Rocview support Router support until Replacement Walker support
dirall straigth with
double arrows
custom track
(12. January 2019)
straight track-<#> track-88
tracknr 2 tunnel in/out
half bridge
User/track-2 2.0.15163
(08. March 2019)
connector User/track-2 track-2
curvenr 11
double curved track User/curve-11 2.1.1592
(21. May 2021)
curve User/curve-11
  curve90 curved curve until 2.1.2047
(12. Jan 2022)
ended pre 2019 (angular) curve curve-<#> / curve90 curve-90
switch accessory #1 double track railroad crossing symbol moved from SpDrS60 to
2.1.5082 (02. Sep 2024)
still supported 2* switch accessory #11 yes no => userthemes/Accessory/

Note: tool state is β , documentation is α (namely none)

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