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# RRroutecmdcheck.php [v0.11 WIP] RRphpFramework.php [v0.259 WIP] (verbose[0])
##### RRroutecmdcheck.php [v0.11 WIP] : #####
check routes for missing object types in commands
20240725 v0.11
rewritten parts of code
20240724 v0.10
fix type checking switch command
20240210 v0.09
fix for calling chkSwcmdTypeCmd
20230909 v0.08
check if swcmd fits for configured type
20230429 v0.07
moved WEB constants to framework
20230103 v0.06
support seltab
20221228 v0.05
typo fixed
20221225 v0.04
rewrite output for different verbosity levels
20211203 v0.03
statistics: show also number of routes
20211023 v0.02
support for ReleaseNotes
some statistics
also search in tt and seltab list but do not change cmd yet
20210506 v0.01
initial release
## End of release notes. ##
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