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# RRreplace_blanks.php [v0.19 WIP] RRphpFramework.php [v0.259 WIP] (verbose[0])
##### RRreplace_blanks.php [v0.19 WIP] : #####
check and/or repair ids with blanks
(replace blanks by "_")
20250206 v0.19
competition fix PATH
20240815 v0.18
move openPlanfile() to framework
improve handling file open and add optional content type checking
20231217 v0.17
move array2csv() to framework
20231008 v0.16
output fix
20230823 v0.15
add support for tt/track: bkid, posfb
20230520 v0.14
changed output format
20230518 v0.13
occ.xml : /modocc/occ : check bkid,lcid,scid,secid
skip showing attributes for unused extra subnodes changed according to basic nodes
20230429 v0.12
moved WEB constants to framework
20230429 v0.11
output fix
20230427 v0.10
accgroup: add support
zlevel: add symbolprefix
location: more attributes
actioncond/actionctrl: more attributes
20230427 v0.09
add support for location
20230416 v0.08
add bk: schedule,schedule_manual,tour
add lc: go,govirtual,addcar
add operator: removecar,loadcar,emptycar,class
20230416 v0.07
add tour/tourentry
20230403 v0.06
output fix
20230403 v0.05
also show id in output
20230401 v0.04
show checked attributes (level1 -> count, level 2 also names)
20230401 v0.03
add st/swcmd
add sc/scentry
20230401 v0.02
give hint on suppressed output
20230401 v0.01
initial release
## End of release notes. ##
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