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# RRreplace_blanks.php [v0.17 WIP]	RRphpFramework.php [v0.189 WIP]	 (verbose[0])

##### RRreplace_blanks.php [v0.17 WIP] : #####

check and/or repair ids with blanks
(replace blanks by "_")

20231217 v0.17
  move array2csv() to framework

20231008 v0.16
  output fix

20230823 v0.15
  add support for tt/track: bkid, posfb

20230520 v0.14
  changed output format

20230518 v0.13
  occ.xml : /modocc/occ : check bkid,lcid,scid,secid
  skip showing attributes for unused extra subnodes changed according to basic nodes

20230429 v0.12
  moved WEB constants to framework

20230429 v0.11
  output fix

20230427 v0.10
  accgroup: add support
  zlevel: add symbolprefix
  location: more attributes
  actioncond/actionctrl: more attributes

20230427 v0.09
  add support for location

20230416 v0.08
  add bk: schedule,schedule_manual,tour
  add lc: go,govirtual,addcar
  add operator: removecar,loadcar,emptycar,class

20230416 v0.07
  add tour/tourentry

20230403 v0.06
  output fix

20230403 v0.05
  also show id in output

20230401 v0.04
  show checked attributes (level1 -> count, level 2 also names)

20230401 v0.03
  add st/swcmd
  add sc/scentry

20230401 v0.02
  give hint on suppressed output

20230401 v0.01
  initial release

## End of release notes. ##

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