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# RRexport.php [v0.10 WIP]	RRphpFramework.php [v0.259 WIP]	 (verbose[0])

##### RRexport.php [v0.10 WIP] : #####

export elements recursively to csv files

20241017 v0.10
  type tx : add attributes webcam,manualinput,slider,toggle
  fix bug handling user modified attribute list

20241017 v0.09
  add support for type tx

20230618 v0.08
  replace echo by Vout0 for release notes

20230429 v0.07
  moved WEB constants to framework

20230410 v0.06
  rewritten to use dynamic recursion on child nodes (still WIP)

20230316 v0.05
  change type selection to new parameter --type
  rewrite some functions for more flexibilty

20230314 v0.04
  support more types

20230314 v0.03
  support planout (or -o), dry-run, verbose levels, line numbers and release notes
  some more generic functions (prepare to use also for cars, sensors and other items)
  switch output to Vout
  renamed from RRexportLocos to RRexport

20211102 v0.02
  rewrite filename checking (also in library)
  adjusted attribute names

20201114 v0.01
  initial release

## End of release notes. ##

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