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## checker [v0.322 WIP] , phpFramework [v0.259 WIP] , PHP "8.3.17" , RRsrvVer="5613" (verbose[0])
##### RRchecker.php [v0.322 WIP] : #####
202503q0 v0.322
basic check for uniq accessory addresses in sw/sg/co
20250307 v0.321
tours : if less than 2 entries and "recycle" then do not treat as problem
20250302 v0.320
fix output for turntable coordinate checks
20250219 v0.319
better output for linked block lists
20250206 v0.318
add basic checks for competition
20250203 v0.317
add checks for system actions
add state checks for all actions
20250202 v0.316
fix counting system actions
20250123 v0.315
add support for accessory 56 (church)
20250112 v0.314
add support for FIX_ST_MISSING_FBEVT_TYPE: "route / sensors : fix missing event type"
20250112 v0.313
bk: empty sensor id: changed problem count and output
20250111 v0.312
add support for FIX_BKemb_FBmiss: embedded blocks and missing both embedded sensors => clear option "embedded sensors"
20250106 v0.311
bk: show also link membership
20250102 v0.310
st: add support for allowsecondnext
bk: add support for allowsearch
20250101 v0.309
add support for FIX_LINK_BK_ALLOWCHGDIR : FIX: remove allowchdir in linked blocks
20250101 v0.308
link: check for multiple occurrence of block
20241231 v0.307
bk: add support for allowsecondnext
20241229 v0.306
bk,sb: add detailed checks for freeblockonenter
20241225 v0.305
rocrail.ini: mbus, z21: check sw,sg,co standard addressing scheme requirement
20241222 v0.304
sg: add zero address checks
20241213 v0.303
add server revision check
20241206 v0.302
links (blockgroups): add URL to hint
20241205 v0.301
tt: check opposite track exists
tt: do not check grid connection coordinates for hidden tracks
20241204 v0.300
lc: check gotoblockid
20241123 v0.299
turntable: some track checks
20241111 v0.298
lib check: special handling of wio : check for different node id
20241110 v0.297
add showMaxXY()
20241105 v0.296
st: show reduceV only if not autogenerated
20241022 v0.295
mv: if "distanceR" is 0 use "distance"
20241013 v0.294
tx: add support for speed settings (including speedconditions)
20241018 v0.293
tx: fix action and condition checks
add support for FIX_AC_OBJ_INVALID : remove actions for non existing onjects
20241012 v0.292
tt : show number of configured bridge blocks
20240930 v0.291
rocrail.ini : show locoExcludeLocations
20240919 v0.290
turntable,traverser: "multiple bridge blocks" is an ERROR
20240912 v0.289
improve schedule checks
20240908 v0.288
also accept loco file as primary input (plan file)
20240904 v0.287
extended address check for sensors (fb)
20240903 v0.286
some basic operator checks (validate car ids)
20240828 v0.285
finder: check maxrecursive
20240828 v0.284
mvtrack: improved check
occ.xml: fix output for repair notes
20240826 v0.283
loadPlan(): add support for counters and stats
20240824 v0.282
improved switch address checking
20240818 v0.281
add support for FIX_ST_FB_FBEVT_EMPTY
20240818 v0.280
adjust PROBLEMS counter after fixing a problem
20240817 v0.279
check file content type on loading
add support for FIX_OCC (occupancy file checks)
20240816 v0.278
text: add action and condition tests
add support for FIX_LC_HOME_INVALID : remove invalid home definition for loco
20240813 v0.277
more detailed output for track commands
20240812 v0.276
add support for FIX_MISSING_ACTION : remove non existing actions
20240811 v0.275
add support for FIX_MISSING_CONDITIONS : remove non existing locos/trains
add support for FIX_MISSING_PERMISSION : remove non existing locos/trains
moved some global vars to framework
20240730 v0.274
check userandomrate ( ctrl / automatic / block )
20240728 v0.273
locations: add checks for block and sub block lists for duplicate entries
20240728 v0.272
add support for FIX_BK_ST_FBEVT_EMPTY (fixes for misconfigured feedback events in block routes)
20240727 v0.271
implement fix for missing type in swcmd
20240727 v0.270
add support for FIX_ST_MISSING_CMDTYPE
20240724 v0.269
if we detect a modular plan definition give some better hint (create issue und upload plan from issue)
20240722 v0.268
bk with embeddedstate should not have attribute smallsymbol
20240721 v0.267
support option --SHOW_OPTIONS
20240711 v0.266
bk of type turntable : event checks for routes only if STRICT_HEALTH_CHECKS enabled else note about skip
20240706 v0.265
also accept fiddle yard as block
if location and block are specified as destination: improved note
20240630 v0.264
check booster list
use api functions getSubnodeList/getSubnodeCount
20240629 v0.263
sg: check if used in more than 1 bk and give NOTE
20240622 v0.262
use function searchTerms
20240603 v0.261
rocrail.ini: check if server or gui config file
20240529 v0.260
bk/fbevent: better hint for empty sensor id
20240513 v0.259
check iid : accept WIO as special name without declaration
20240505 v0.258
location: support fiforecycle
20240427 v0.257
lc: validate home location
20240410 v0.256
emphasize lc in shunting mode
20240403 v0.255
block check: bk/routes check if configured sensor exists
20240312 v0.254
schedule check: on missing route show more details
20240223 v0.253
support for --STRICT_HEALTH_CHECKS (cmd line default: off, web gui default: on)
20240218 v0.252
improved support for issues created from modular plans
20240217 v0.251
add checks for: freeid blankid blankaspects resetid oppositeid
use common function sgOutInfo to generate base output
20240210 v0.250
add global variables LVLmaxX LVLmaxY for loadPlan()
20240207 v0.249
fix statistics counting (outputs missed in overall counter)
20240127 v0.248
show fake dcrossing
show dcrossing if subtype is used
output with coordinates
20240119 v0.247
schedules: show destination index starting with 1 (like in Rocview schedule table)
20240118 v0.246
schedules: check locations/blocks and validate routes
20240117 v0.245
extended sensor usage checks
20240112 v0.244
staging blocks: verbose output fix
20240112 v0.243
sensor usage checks: more detailed output for staging block sections
20240111 v0.242
show max upload sizes
20240108 v0.241
blocks: output fix for trackdriver
20240107 v0.240
blocks with BBT and enter2in : no more a PROBLEM just a NOTE
20231231 v0.239
trackdriver: output fix
20231225 v0.238
lc: check train type (cargo) is not "none"
20231224 v0.237
typeStats: optional 3rd parameter FORCE
20231222 v0.236
chkSwcmdTypeCmd extended by parameter track (track# for tt and seltab or #aspects for signal)
20231220 v0.235
some more checks for interface id (still WIP)
20231218 v0.234
add option checkiid to validate interface id settings (WIP)
20231215 v0.233
always show value of "usefinder"
20231209 v0.232
skip checking CTC nodes
20231207 v0.231
lc: fix indicate non default option
20231202 v0.230
bk: if stop speed is in percent mode then always show value
location: fix statistics
20231129 v0.229
bk/routes: handle empty ("") sensors and actions entries like "-"
20231108 v0.228
add some global variables for modular plans
20231107 v0.227
fix calculating fb stats
20231106 v0.226
add missing global variable GLOBrouteNODE
20231101 v0.225
fix versions in header
20231031 v0.224
add support for loadPlan()
20231023 v0.223
staging blocks: check permissions for "engine"
blocks: if part of seltab with shared fb then do not check individual route fbs
20231022 v0.222
adjust output
20231018 v0.221
for switches of type servo skip address checks
20231012 v0.220
level correction for sensor uniq check
20231007 v0.219
optimize sensor usage uniq checks
20231002 v0.218
sg with aspect numbers => show number of aspects
20231001 v0.217
rocrail.ini: ctrl / timerevents
20231001 v0.216
rocrail.ini: finder / findaltdirect
20230930 v0.215
check lc / iid and address(es)
check lc / commuterlevel
20230930 v0.214
check bk / timerevents
20230929 v0.213
embedded blocks: add type stats
adjust other output
20230927 v0.212
staging blocks: check almost all attributes
20230924 v0.211
for sensor uniq check do not add sensors of mv track
20230924 v0.210
mv track: skip checks if distance is 0
20230921 v0.209
rocrail.ini: finder: check all options
20230919 v0.208
sensor usage checks
20230919 v0.207
add support for bk/autoassigntrain
20230918 v0.206
rocrail.ini: finder: show path mode
20230909 v0.205
route / swcmd : check if type and command fit
zombie search : add dec list
20230906 v0.204
staging blocks: support for minlen
20230906 v0.203
staging blocks: support for maxlen
20230901 v0.202
blocks: fix showing statistics
20230831 v0.201
routes / swcmd list : check and show non default "lock modes"
20230819 v0.200
blockstate signals may have type usepatterns as no(default) or aspectnrs
20230729 v0.199
fix output for sg
20230729 v0.198
fix stats for sg, co, fb, st
20230726 v0.197
typo fixes
20230725 v0.196
if block event timers are above 100 and in WEB mode then show URL_TIMER_MAX_100ms
20230725 v0.195
fix counting sg problems
20230724 v0.194
signal: some more checks if configured as state signal
20230721 v0.193
block: ctcOutput as CSV : adjust trace levels
20230721 v0.192
block: ctcOutput as CSV
fix error counting for block errors
20230706 v0.191
staging blocks: extra checks for sections
route: fixed checking length of bkc for staging blocks
20230701 v0.190
blocks with routes/eventid "enter2in" : if event timer is 0 give additional note
20230630 v0.189
check for unique names of bk, sb, tt, seltab
20220622 v0.188
show value of sg / interface / Control (usepatterns) as clear text
20230619 v0.187
fix calculation of route errors
20230610 v0.186
zombie search give more detailed hint
bk: if no events for any route => ERROR
bk: change to individual error/problem calculation
20230609 v0.185
fb with zero address: reformat output
lc: fix error/problem calculation
st: fix error/problem calculation
ac,sc,vr,mv: change to individual error/problem calculation
20230608 v0.184
check for disjunct ids of blocks and staging blocks
check for disjunct block ids in locations
check for disjunct block ids in links (block groups)
20230608 v0.183
route check: if via block has zero length give note/hint
20230608 v0.182
also check mv track
20230604 v0.181
some more infos on plan / modular plan
20230603 v0.180
more detailed output on block/route/event checks
20230530 v0.179
global variable RT_GEN_STRING
do not complain about routes with via blocks if created by generator
20230528 v0.178
staging block: some basic tests
location: 0 blocks => ERROR , 1 block => NOTE
universal typeStats function using variable name as value
20230528 v0.177
support for lc/commuterblocks added
show intermediate stats with type
20230525 v0.176
bk/sb: check if block is used as slave block in more than 1 virtual blocks
20230520 v0.175
fix handling "(none)" if problems were found
fix invalid type passed when checking trains
20230520 v0.174
bk: some checks for bk/routes (fb events: enter, in, ...)
20230509 v0.173
improved checks for tt/traverser and embedded blocks
20230507 v0.172
fix block checks in linked blocks
20230507 v0.171
rename chkBkIdCsvkList to chkBkIdCsvList
20230504 v0.170
st: improved cheacks vor bkc (via blocks)
20230502 v0.169
add support for st/fbevent reducespeedonocc
20230430 v0.168
st: fix for condition include/exclude
20230430 v0.167
st / bkc : treat as error if staging block
st / fbevent :
if type is missing add checks for fb and co
add check for type co
20230429 v0.166
moved WEB constants to framework
20230429 v0.165
check tcp/controlcode tcp/slavecode
20230427 v0.164
changed hint for white space ids
20230427 v0.163
output functions for ids with white space rewritten
action checks: add location and clock
20230426 v0.162
be more verbose on white space tests
20230425 v0.161
tk with missing sensorid or blockid: formatted output
20230425 v0.160
tk with missing sensorid: change from PROBLEM to NOTE
20230419 v0.159
add check for action count in generated routes
show note for schdules where destination has location and block specified
acitions for loco with go/govirtual: also accept empty param
20230417 v0.158
add bk: schedule,schedule_manual,tour
add lc: go,govirtual,addcar
add operator: removecar,loadcar,emptycar,class
20230407 v0.158
fix output formatting for zombie search results
20230406 v0.157
check for zombies in lists
20230403 v0.156
fix check for items on invalid level
add check for blank in ids
20230331 v0.155
config check: show multiple definition of same interface id
20230326 v0.154
light control: allow items of type sw as coid
20230317 v0.153
blockid : also check for valid fb
20230314 v0.152
fix visibility check
20230311 v0.151
check if visible items are on defined levels
20230307 v0.150
output fix
20230306 v0.149
bugfix in detecting server version
20230301 v0.148
on problems parsing server config file => exit
20230226 v0.147
st: also show status "locked"
20230224 v0.146
bk/st: incl/excl lists: also check train/operator list
20230218 v0.145
bk: support for stopspeedpercent
20230217 v0.144
lc: if manual operated give hint
20230216 v0.143
st: swcmd "flip" is ambiguous and may cause problems
20230205 v0.142
lc: show generated
20230205 v0.141
actions: allow wildcard * and empty string as valid object ids
20230204 v0.140
show problem if electric locos but no electrified blocks
20230203 v0.139
for bk,sb,st show permissions on engine
20230130 v0.138
external scripts: allow slash (linux directory delimiter) in file names
20230124 v0.137
output for bk with bbt adjusted
20230123 v0.136
improve checks and output for tx, tk, sw
20230123 v0.135
output handling with toWEB only for ids and special sequences
20230123 v0.134
improve output formatting for sensors and light control
20230122 v0.133
blocks/routes: check locos in incl/excl permission exist
20230122 v0.132
checks and reports for actions improved
first checks for outputs
20230121 v0.131
action checks for type fn check id of lc,car,operator
some checks for light control
small summary per type
20230120 v0.130
check and show actions and conditions also for routes and locos
20230119 v0.129
adjust output formatting
20230118 v0.128
improve output formatting for embedded blocks
20230118 v0.127
improve output formatting for route cmds with missing item
20230113 v0.126
show filesize also as human_filesize
20230112 v0.125
rename validateBkOrSbIdCsvkList to chkBkOrSbIdCsv and adjust output
20230112 v0.124
improve output formatting for blocks and open block signals
20230109 v0.123
rename validateBkIdCsvkList to chkBkIdCsvkList and adjust output
some typo fixes
20230108 v0.122
improve output formatting
20230107 v0.121
migrate subfunction output from echo to Vout
20230105 v0.120
migrate output from echo to Vout
20230104 v0.119
do not show changed "rectcrossing" (once default was "true", current default is "false")
do not show changed "resetwc" (once default was "true", current default is "false")
20230103 v0.118
locations and links: rearrange output
20230102 v0.117
check only linked blocks where "allowfollowup" is "true" for "allowchgdir" is turned off
20221227 v0.116
escape PHP variables in release notes
20221220 v0.115
output formatting fix for blocks and verbose 1
20221205 v0.114
remove checks for obsolete router options
remove check for autosaveonmodify
trace levels: if undefined show defaults
20221119 v0.113
bk: remove double output of stopspeed
20221102 v0.112
sw: fix detection of non zero addresses
20221027 v0.111
tx: fix typo
20221020 v0.110
rocrail.ini: check short circuit sensor (scsensor)
20221013 v0.109
tx: check coordinates and dimensions
20221012 v0.108
add basic checks for tours
20221008 v0.107
bk: check some values in details tab
20221008 v0.106
use function toWEB for strings (i.e. node id) that might contain htmlspecialchars
20221004 v0.105
digint: fix detect forced virtual lib
20221001 v0.104
tt: check for multiple bridge blocks
20220721 v0.103
typo fix
20220606 v0.102
check switch wiring
20220427 v0.101
more checks for tracks with direxceptions
20220414 v0.100
rocrail.ini : use defaults if nodes or attributes do not exist
20220413 v0.99
staging block: some more checks
schedule: check blockenterside for each entry
20220413 v0.98
staging block: check movetimeout
20220409 v0.97
route: regard showid default is true
20220408 v0.96
bk check minlen
changed some string2bool conversion
20220331 v0.95
check for trace level permission
20220321 v0.94
check routes for usestack and locos for routestack
20220317 v0.93
if item type is missing in route commands show note
20220316 v0.92
check ids for leading and/or trailing whitespace
show release notes for RRphpFramework only in verbose mode
20220315 v0.91
warn if finder is enabled but alternative paths are disabled or give hint if maxpaths is below 10
20220224 v0.90
signals : "blockstate" and "manual" give hint to remove manual
20220221 v0.89
sensors fixed addr equals 0 check
20220220 v0.88
check loco list for duplicate oid values
20220219 v0.87
distinguish between NO-SUPPORT-INCIDENTS and ERROR
moved PROBLEM statistic to debugging
20220216 v0.86
route: validate items (sw,sg,co) in commands
output correction and comments added
20220216 v0.85
signal: show blockstate (as info in VL 3)
20220210 v0.84
action: type 'fn' has oid of type 'lc'
route / command: check missing type info
route / command: check for "flip"
20220203 v0.83
switches / wiring / sensors
20220128 v0.82
loco: consist
20220121 v0.81
function consolidation
20220119 v0.80
output fix for sensors
20220115 v0.79
output fix ctcOutput
20220113 v0.78
block / interface : fix for ctcOutput
20220113 v0.77
block / interface : more verbose output
20220111 v0.76
fixes for seltab
20211227 v0.75
blocks: signal details
20211224 v0.74
seltb: actions
20211216 v0.73
fix output for sensor tests
fix output for schedule checks
20211211 v0.72
fix some output
20211209 v0.71
VL3: show usefinder also when 'false'
20211207 v0.70
statistics: extra count for blocks with embedded sensors
20211205 v0.69
sensor: fix output order
20211204 v0.68 WIP
router options layout change
(WIP: switches: prepare almost all checks ZZZswitch)
20211128 v0.67
some fixes and small extensions
20211127 v0.66
actions: some checks
20211126 v0.65
links/blockgroups: almost all checks
20211124 v0.64
blocks: interface (track driver)
20211123 v0.63
variables: almost all checks
20211121 v0.62
wchedules: some layout corrections
20211120 v0.60
schudules: almost all checks
20211119 v0.59
sensors: almost all checks
switch: note if rectcrossing set on non crossing
adjust TpB
20211114 v0.58
plan: title
20211113 v0.57
route: fix for fbevent
sensors: activelow resetwc
20211112 v0.56
sensors: check ctc
route: check status
20211111 v0.55
switch: dcrossing with 2nd address or port is 9999 -> show note
action: "unlock" on block or staging block -> no support
20211110 v0.54
block/route: includes + excludes -> hint on excludes
turntable: check if embedded block or search block
several small changes
20211109 v0.53
rocrail.ini: router enabled (default) -> show router options
20211107 v0.52
digint: forced virtual (show)
loco: shortid
block: desc and platform
track: direxception
20211106 v0.51
rearrange some output
move some funtions to library
20211031 v0.50
block: more option checks
location: allow blocks and staging blocks
route: bkc list: no staging blocks allowed
20211029 v0.49
virtual blocks: "no slave blocks" count as ERROR
20211028 v0.48
routes: more general option checks
20211027 v0.47
TpB stat
20211023 v0.46
output corrections
20211021 v0.45
schedules: accept tt with embedded block
turntable/traverser: show some settings ; no deep checks yet
seltab: show some settings ; no deep checks yet
20211019 v0.44
extend switch / general checks
routes: show fbevents
actionctrl: show optional state and/or substate
20211017 v0.43
extended location checks
20211016 v0.42
use function for chaeck and display actioncontrol (including conditions)
20211014 v0.41
use verbose from 0 up to 3
createmodplan bool Create a modplan if the planfile does not jet exist. - false
fsutf8 bool - true
some more checks: schedules actionctrl (for multiple element types)
20211007 v0.40
V: show "planfile" "locs" "xmlscriptpath"
check "autosaveonmodify"
V: show blocks and non defaults
staging blocks:
check electrified typeperm class era
20211006 v0.39
routes: check for non default permissions
20211002 v0.38
blocks with embedded sensors use configured sensor ids
20211002 v0.37
check blocks with embedded sensors for existing sensors
20211001 v0.36
adjust some output texts
20210930 v0.35
loco: have one era coded as integer based on 0 and not as bits like routes and blocks
0=>I 1=>II 2=>III 3=>IV ... -> output adjusted
20210928 v0.34
"attributes" start with $A ; "values" start with $V ; "paths" start with $P
20210928 v0.33
locos: check non default options
20210926 v0.32
switches: check one coil switches for non zero 2nd address
switches: text output adjustment
20210925 v0.31
rearrange stats
20210923 v0.30
items/nesting stats
type summary stats at startup
check for electrified blocks and locos
layout fix
20210807 v0.25
autogen and modified => hint
switches: check for blockid
show version in verbose mode
20210805 v0.24
20210804 v0.23
check route "automatic" not "0" (both)
20210609 v0.22
check route conditions
20210609 v0.21
freeblockonenter now supported (by Rob?) but stiil shown here
20210609 v0.20
schedules: show timeprocessing stats
20210606 v0.19
show blocks using manually operated signals
20210425 v0.18
output corrections
20210418 v0.17
ccrossing without address is only a note
20210329 v0.16
extended block checks: permissions
20201127 v0.15
notify if finder is used
20200625 v0.14
support -w --web --html to user html special chars
20200624 v0.13
handle problems opening xml files
20200614 v0.12
layout fix
20200609 v0.11
layout fix
20200607 v0.10
add check more than 1 sensors as short circuit detector
20200530 v0.09
add check for sensors with addr 0
20200528 v0.08
add check for reserved blocks
20200504 v0.07
add support for VERBOSE option
rearrange/group checks
20200503 v0.06
add checks to show blocks with includes or excludes
add checks for switch adresses
20200317 v0.05
add check to show routes with includes or excludes
20140830 v0.04
added test for signals/usepattersns using deprecated variable type
20140503 v0.03
server/gui version check in plans
20140427 v0.02
added test: loco swaptimer > 0
changed ERROR counting and display
20140413 v0.01
initial release
## End of release notes. ##
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