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# JMRI2RR_lc_sync.php [v0.06 WIP]	RRphpFramework.php [v0.225 WIP]	 (verbose[0])

##### JMRI2RR_lc_sync.php [v0.06 WIP] : #####

import locos and/for func descriptions from JMRI to Rocrail

20240815 v0.06
  if files are not suitable give better hints

20240815 v0.05
  improve handling file open and add optional content type checking

20240813 v0.04
  changes according to syntax checker
  fix wrong usage of FALSE

20240729 v0.03
  translate attribute: invers(lockable) to pushbutton

20240713 v0.02
  fixed creating function number
  option import/update loco definitions

20240710 v0.01
  option import/update function descriptions
  initial release

## End of release notes. ##

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